Friends , When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Pl remember the following 4 points to fight Corona19.
1. Disinfection.
(i)Hand washing every 2 hours with soap in running water preferably for 30 seconds.
(ii)Hand sanitisation by sanitiser for 20 seconds while you are working. Soap washing is always better. Also clean mobile phone & spex. Avoid rings in the fingers for few weeks.
(iii)Cleaning of floors- Use Bleaching powder(33%).Put 50 gm in1litre water in plastic bucket. It is effective for 3 to 6 hours.
(iv.)SodiumHypochloride (5%) -Take 100 ml of Hypo and put in 500 ml water. It becomes 1% soln. Clean areas like door handles, knobs at least twice daily by spray.
2.Social distancing – You will never know that your friend visiting you may be a virus career. No Hand shaking. Keep at least one meter distance all the time .Avoid crowded places at all cost.
3.Cover your mouth and nose with a mask. When you sneeze or cough, use a tissue or use your bent elbow. Keep your hands & fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Use of mask is must when you move.Use triple layer or N 95 mask
4.Diet and Exercise- A great opportunity to build up your stamina and boost energy if you can spare time.Take multivitamins, rich protein diet ,curd during day & milk with Haldi at night followed by steam and gargles at bedtime. 30 minutes exercises and 30 minutes meditation will give you plenty of mental toughness.
Let us follow our Prime minister’s directives and join hands to eradicate Covid 19 as soon as possible.
Dr Navneet Kumar
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COVID 19 – Preventive measures
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