Category Archives: Epilipsy

History of Epilepsy :

In India history of epilepsy is very ancient since the time of Charaka who described the epilepsy in Charakasamhita in around 1,000-800 BC.

In the ancient era, it was thought that epilepsy was a curse from god. But around 400 BC, Hippocrates was the first to analyze that epilepsy was not such a curse but a brain disorder and thus gave a new vision to the society.

Indian Facts of Epilepsy:

  • Before coming to neurologists, Indians have already done their rounds with ‘ojhas’ (exorcists), ‘poojas’, ‘herbal’ drugs. Allopathic doctor is consulted as a last resort.
  • Several social difficulties due to the public image
  • Fear, horror, superstition, prejudice and erroneous beliefs hold true even today, more so in the case of a girl or a woman.
  • Failure to convince people that epilepsy is like any other illness such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma or heart disease.
  • There are some specific problems which either pose a hindrance in treatment of epilepsy or they may aggravate the disease itself. Problems with females are like marriage, pregnancy, and profession i.e. housework or cooking. Problems with men include night shift work, travel and driving