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I am greatful to IMA Kanpur for bestowing upon me Kanpur Ratna award this year

I am greatful to IMA Kanpur for bestowing upon me Kanpur Ratna award this year. IMA President ,Sec and the Award commitee need to be thanked for choosing me for this coveted momento.Thanks to all my friends, well-wishers with special thanks to dr Archana kumar for her constant encouragement
Dr Navneet Kumar Neurologist.
Formerly Principal dean GSVM med coll Kanpur

My Rare moments with Bharat ratna Sri Pranab Mukherjee – Dr Navneet

I had a privilege to invite Hon Sri Pranab Mukherjee in GSVM med college kanpur in May 2013 in the convocation. His program was finalised by Prez office and they insisted to draft minute to minute schedule. It was strange I thought but that is how it is done. He arrived at sharp 4pm and we finished National anthem in 52 seconds as per schedule and he took note of this.He told his ADC that it was one of the best convocations he ever attended.On returning from the Principal office, he accepted my request to join us for a group photograph with our HOD’s though he had reached the portico but then returned to the main hall.Prez’s minute to minute program is still on my mind and I learnt even more the value of time management.I confess that I became more disciplined ever since then. His program and my short association for merely one hour left indelible memories on my mind.His hidden strength was his simplicity which needs to be inculcated.
Sad that today he left for heavenly abode.I pay my homage with folded hands and prey that he rests in peace
Dr Navneet Kumar Neurologist.
Ex Principal GSVMMC Kanpur.
Presently Principal Dean GMC Kannauj

COVID 19 – Preventive measures

Friends , When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Pl remember the following 4 points to fight Corona19.
1. Disinfection.
(i)Hand washing every 2 hours with soap in running water preferably for 30 seconds.
(ii)Hand sanitisation by sanitiser for 20 seconds while you are working. Soap washing is always better. Also clean mobile phone & spex. Avoid rings in the fingers for few weeks.
(iii)Cleaning of floors- Use Bleaching powder(33%).Put 50 gm in1litre water in plastic bucket. It is effective for 3 to 6 hours.
(iv.)SodiumHypochloride (5%) -Take 100 ml of Hypo and put in 500 ml water. It becomes 1% soln. Clean areas like door handles, knobs at least twice daily by spray.
2.Social distancing – You will never know that your friend visiting you may be a virus career. No Hand shaking. Keep at least one meter distance all the time .Avoid crowded places at all cost.
3.Cover your mouth and nose with a mask. When you sneeze or cough, use a tissue or use your bent elbow. Keep your hands & fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Use of mask is must when you move.Use triple layer or N 95 mask
4.Diet and Exercise- A great opportunity to build up your stamina and boost energy if you can spare time.Take multivitamins, rich protein diet ,curd during day & milk with Haldi at night followed by steam and gargles at bedtime. 30 minutes exercises and 30 minutes meditation will give you plenty of mental toughness.
Let us follow our Prime minister’s directives and join hands to eradicate Covid 19 as soon as possible.
Dr Navneet Kumar
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Our you tube channel is – neurohealth which has updates on neurological disorders

डॉ नवनीत कुमार के द्वारा जी0 एस0 वी0 एम0 मेडिकल कॉलेज कानपुर को दिए गए 6 वर्ष

कानपुर मेडिकल कॉलेज में शासन के सहयोग से 6 वर्ष (2012- 2018) में 6 नई बिल्डिंग्स – न्यूरोसाइंस,(उप्र शासन),ब्लड बैंक (KDA के द्वारा), मैटरनिटी विंग (NHM के द्वारा), (ऑर्थोपेडिक बिल्डिंग में विभाग का आरंभ) NICU और बाल रोग विभाग का पूरा कायाकल्प (HALके CSR फण्ड) से हुआ। 6 नेशनल कांफ्रेंसस की। 3 नए विभाग – न्यूरोलॉजी न्यूरोसर्जरी , ट्रांसफ्यूज़न मेडिसिन,बने। 25 मकान और 6 कोठियां बिना धरना प्रदर्शन के,डेमोलिश करा कर PMSSY के लिए स्थान उपलब्ध कराया। neet रैंकिंग में जून 2018 में gsvmmc 67th से 47th रैंक पर आ गया। 2013 में presidential कन्वोकेशन ( श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी की गरिमामय उपस्थित में) कॉलेज में कराया। लिक्विड मेडिकल प्लांट और E हॉस्पिटल का ग्राउंड वर्क 2017 -18 में किया।कानपुर से 30 वर्षो में जो मिला उससे ज्यादा शहर को देने की कोशिश की। कन्नौज में आकर भी सीमित संसाधनों के साथ पूरी मेहनत की है।
डॉ नवनीत कुमार


Neurology (from Greek: νεῦρον (neûron), “string, nerve” and the suffix -logia, “study of”) is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system. Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and disease involving the central and peripheral nervous systems (and their subdivisions, the autonomic and somatic nervous systems), including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle.[1] Neurological practice relies heavily on the field of neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system.

A neurologist is a physician specializing in neurology and trained to investigate, or diagnose and treat neurological disorders.[2] Neurologists may also be involved in clinical research, clinical trials, and basic or translational research. While neurology is a nonsurgical specialty, its corresponding surgical specialty is neurosurgery

न्यूरो के बढ़ते रोग

सनायु तंत्र सम्बंधित रोग भारत में तेज़ी से बढ़ रहे है ! न्यूरोलॉजी में मस्तिष्क सम्बंधित रोग जैसे की माइग्रेन मिर्गी स्ट्रोक पार्किंसन रोग सम्मिलित है मेरुदंड सम्बन्धित रोग जैसे की स्पाइन की चोट, स्पाइन का टी बी, स्पाइन का टूमर, इसके आलावा नशो से सम्बंधित रोग जैसे न्यूरोपैथी एवं जी बी सिंड्रोम तथा न्युरोमस्कुलर बीमारियां जैसे म्यास्थेनिया ग्राविस एवं मांसपेशियों की बीमारियां जैसे मायोपैथी है इससे स्पस्ट है कि न्यूरोलॉजी की बीमारियां शरीर के हर एक भाग को प्रभावित कर सकती है ! सामान्य रूप से कुछ बिमारियों के बारे में जानते है लेकिन उनके कारण व लक्षण एबं निदान से परिचित नहीं है ये वेबसाइट एवं एक यूट्यूब चैनल neurohealth जिसमे न्यूरोलॉजी से सम्बंधित रोग जैसे की माइग्रेन, मिर्गी ,स्ट्रोक, पार्किंसन, अल्ज़ाइमर, वर्टिगो के बारे में वीडियो बनाये गए है है जिसके माध्यम से जनमानस को न्यूरोलॉजी के बारे में अवगत करना है अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप हमारी मेल पर मेल भी कर सकते है स्वयं पढ़ कर इस जानकारी को सबके साथ शेयर करे प्रो नवनीत कुमार
सीनियर न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट
पूर्व विभागाध्यक्ष न्यूरोलॉजी एवं प्राचार्य
जी एस वि एम मेडिकल कॉलेज कानपुर

Art of Lecture

How to start
Draw your audience into what you’re saying.Connect with them
Eye contact
Be yourself . Be natural
Do not begin with a joke
1. I do my best to prepare for speeches, and it’s a challenge to compress all my points into something long enough to be interesting, but short enough so the audience won’t fall asleep.
2. Woodrow Wilson was once asked, “How long does it take you to prepare a ten minute speech?” “Two weeks,” he answered. “How about a one hour speech?” “One week,” he said. “What about a two hour speech?” “I’m ready now!” he replied
3. The best speech is one that has a great beginning, a memorable end, and not much in between.
4. I’ll try not to talk too long. They say its best to leave your audience before your audience leaves you.
5. I always try to avoid giving advice during my remarks. As the little schoolgirl wrote, “Socrates was a wise, Greek philosopher who walked around giving advice to people. They poisoned him.”

Doctors and Quacks
In Britain today, there are about 50,000 practitioners of alternative medicine, but only about 30,000 qualified doctors.

Taxi to the Hospital
A woman flagged down a cab.
“Where to?” the cabbie asked.
“The hospital,” the woman answered.
“Where at the hospital?” the cabbie asked.
“Maternity ward.” the woman answered.
A determined look crossed the cabbie’s face. “Okay, I’ll get you there. Don’t you worry!” He then floored it and started weaving past cars.
“No no, you don’t need to drive so fast,” the woman said. “I only work there!”

One has a greater sense of intellectual degradation after an interview with a doctor than from any human experience. Alice James

1. The Allergists voted to scratch it.
2. The Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no.
3. The Ophthalmologists considered the idea short-sighted.
4. The Dermatologists preferred no rash moves.
5. The Paediatricians said, “Grow up!”
6. The Psychiatrists thought it was madness.
7. The Radiologists could see right through it.
8. The Gastro-enterologists had a gut feeling about it.
9. The Neurologists thought the administration had a lot of nerve.
10. The Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.
11. The Urologists felt the scheme wouldn’t hold water.
12. The Plastic Surgeon said, ‘This puts a whole new face on the matter.’
13. The Anaesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas.
14. The Obstetricians stated they were labouring under a misconception.
15. The Pathologists yelled, “Over my dead body.”
16. The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward.

History of Epilepsy :

In India history of epilepsy is very ancient since the time of Charaka who described the epilepsy in Charakasamhita in around 1,000-800 BC.

In the ancient era, it was thought that epilepsy was a curse from god. But around 400 BC, Hippocrates was the first to analyze that epilepsy was not such a curse but a brain disorder and thus gave a new vision to the society.

Indian Facts of Epilepsy:

  • Before coming to neurologists, Indians have already done their rounds with ‘ojhas’ (exorcists), ‘poojas’, ‘herbal’ drugs. Allopathic doctor is consulted as a last resort.
  • Several social difficulties due to the public image
  • Fear, horror, superstition, prejudice and erroneous beliefs hold true even today, more so in the case of a girl or a woman.
  • Failure to convince people that epilepsy is like any other illness such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma or heart disease.
  • There are some specific problems which either pose a hindrance in treatment of epilepsy or they may aggravate the disease itself. Problems with females are like marriage, pregnancy, and profession i.e. housework or cooking. Problems with men include night shift work, travel and driving

Dr Navneet Kumar

Dr. Navneet Kumar is an eminent neurophysician belonging to Kanpur. He has served a glorious tenure of six years as Principal and Dean, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur from July 2012 till 9th October 2018. His vision and dedication resulted in enormous progress of GSVM Medical College under his able guidance and leadership. His magnanimity and his dream to provide free services to the less fortunate led to the establishment of a Neurology Department at GSVM Medical College in June 2015 after untiring efforts. During his tenure a record number of patients, i.e. 4000 to 5000 attended the OPD in a day, the highest among all state medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh. Establishment of the largest NICU among state medical colleges (35 bedded) in the department of Pediatrics is another great achievement to his credit. 100 bedded new Maternity Wing building was constructed while new Blood Bank in the hospital campus, IYCF training centre ,Neurology and Neurosurgery departments are also feathers in his cap. Upgradation of department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry OPD and Medicine HDU were also undertaken in his tenure. Dr. Navneet Kumar and his team were appreciated by Chief Minister,for his herculean efforts in managing successfully 68 passengers injured during the railway accident of Indore-Patna express in November 2016.
Dr.Navneet Kumar did his MBBS, MD (Medicine) and DM (Neurology) from the prestigious King George’s Medical College, Lucknow, where he pursued his teaching and research interests as a Pool Officer in Neurology before joining as teaching faculty at GSVM Medical College Kanpur in 1988. Dr. Navneet is a renowned neurologist and his major field of interest is epilepsy. He has written several handbooks and textbooks of Neurology. He has successfully organized National Neurology Update, National Update on Headache and National Update on Movement Disorders during his tenure as Principal, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur. He was among the pioneers of neurology in Kanpur city. He initiated neurology services in Kanpur in 1988 and till date has managed more than 100,000 patients belonging to Kanpur and nearby districts in last 30 years. Dr. Navneet is a member of many academic societies, the most prestigious being the American Academy of Neurology, Indian Academy of Neurology and Indian Epilepsy Society . He has attended a large number of national and international conferences and has been a guest speaker, panelist, chairperson, or judge on several such occasions. More than 50 lectures have been delivered by him in various International & National conferences, CME on epilepsy, stroke and Parkinsonism. Apart from medicine Dr. Kumar is a philanthropist and has been vice president of Rotary Club Kanpur in 2006 and routinely organizes epilepsy camps in and around Kanpur.